How to mount such a site one page and use the original blocks t3 -blank .
File used .
jquery.easing.1.3.js ---> put in templates/t3_blank/js folder
In template/t3_blank/etc , create a assets.xml :
Create a new block mainnav :
getParam('navigation_type') == 'megamenu') : ?>
jdoc:inclde type="modules" name="_p('mainnav') ?>" style="raw" />
!function($) {
var winurl = window.location.href.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1');
window.reflow = function () {
if('ontouchstart' in window){ = (document.documentElement.offsetWidth + 1) + 'px';
setTimeout(function () { = '';
}, 0);
$('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a').each (function (){
var href = this.href,
target = this.hash ? this.hash : href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''),
target_url = href.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1');
if(this.hostname != window.location.hostname || target.substr(0, 1) != '#'){
$(this).attr('href', target).data('target', target);
$('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a').click (function(e) {
if (!$(this).data('target')){
var target = this.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
if (target && ($(target).length)) {
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: Math.max(0,
- ((!($('html').hasClass('off-canvas') && $('.btn-navbar').is(':visible')) && $('#t3-mainnav').css('position') == 'fixed') ? $('#t3-mainnav').height() : 0)
+ 2)}, {
duration: 800,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
complete: window.reflow
} else { //not found
var home = $('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a.home').attr('href');
window.location.href = home.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1') + target;
var ftarget = window.location.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
if(ftarget.substr(0, 1) == '#'){
ftarget = $(ftarget);
$('html,body').scrollTop(Math.max(0, ftarget.offset().top - ((!($('html').hasClass('off-canvas') && $('.btn-navbar').is(':visible')) && $('#t3-mainnav').css('position') == 'fixed') ? $('#t3-mainnav').height() : 0) + 1));
var homelink = $('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a.home')[0];
var home_url = homelink.href.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1'),
home_target = homelink.hash ? homelink.hash : homelink.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
if(home_url == winurl){
if(home_target.substr(0, 1) != '#'){
homelink.href = home_target = '#home';
$(homelink).data('target', home_target);
home_target = $(home_target);
home_target = $('').prependTo(document.body);
} else {
home_target = null;
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: Math.max(0, (home_target.offset().top - $('#t3-mainnav').height() + 2))}, {
duration: 800,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
complete: window.reflow
You can use a spotlight 4 and create a module ( contact) position 1 and this will have the id 88 .
Now create your menu ( contact) as system link and add the link # id number of the module .
Example (# Mod88 )
You can use the 4-position spotlight , but always identify the menu id of the first position , for it to be related to mobile devices .
Each block spotlight with 4 positions you use , you add the link in the menu only the id of the first block position .
On the main (home) page, you can create a menu with featured articles and the link types / css style home you put options.
You have her ready onepage without creating specific blocks and taking advantage of every block and all available positions on the issue.
Make css the way you need.
Bang, Take a test and be happy.
Was working on t3-blank-BS3 model, and unfortunately it was not possible to develop this work further in the model. Navigation button overlapping content and off-canvas not specified response menus. If you have someone who has achieved a solution to t3-blank-BS3 share with the community.
Do not forget to give new names for their custom blocks to protect during update
File used .
jquery.easing.1.3.js ---> put in templates/t3_blank/js folder
In template/t3_blank/etc , create a assets.xml :
Create a new block mainnav :
getParam('navigation_type') == 'megamenu') : ?>
jdoc:inclde type="modules" name="_p('mainnav') ?>" style="raw" />
!function($) {
var winurl = window.location.href.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1');
window.reflow = function () {
if('ontouchstart' in window){ = (document.documentElement.offsetWidth + 1) + 'px';
setTimeout(function () { = '';
}, 0);
$('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a').each (function (){
var href = this.href,
target = this.hash ? this.hash : href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''),
target_url = href.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1');
if(this.hostname != window.location.hostname || target.substr(0, 1) != '#'){
$(this).attr('href', target).data('target', target);
$('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a').click (function(e) {
if (!$(this).data('target')){
var target = this.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
if (target && ($(target).length)) {
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: Math.max(0,
- ((!($('html').hasClass('off-canvas') && $('.btn-navbar').is(':visible')) && $('#t3-mainnav').css('position') == 'fixed') ? $('#t3-mainnav').height() : 0)
+ 2)}, {
duration: 800,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
complete: window.reflow
} else { //not found
var home = $('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a.home').attr('href');
window.location.href = home.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1') + target;
var ftarget = window.location.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
if(ftarget.substr(0, 1) == '#'){
ftarget = $(ftarget);
$('html,body').scrollTop(Math.max(0, ftarget.offset().top - ((!($('html').hasClass('off-canvas') && $('.btn-navbar').is(':visible')) && $('#t3-mainnav').css('position') == 'fixed') ? $('#t3-mainnav').height() : 0) + 1));
var homelink = $('.navbar-fixed-top ul li a.home')[0];
var home_url = homelink.href.replace(/([^\#]*)(.*)/, '$1'),
home_target = homelink.hash ? homelink.hash : homelink.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
if(home_url == winurl){
if(home_target.substr(0, 1) != '#'){
homelink.href = home_target = '#home';
$(homelink).data('target', home_target);
home_target = $(home_target);
home_target = $('').prependTo(document.body);
} else {
home_target = null;
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: Math.max(0, (home_target.offset().top - $('#t3-mainnav').height() + 2))}, {
duration: 800,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
complete: window.reflow
You can use a spotlight 4 and create a module ( contact) position 1 and this will have the id 88 .
Now create your menu ( contact) as system link and add the link # id number of the module .
Example (# Mod88 )
You can use the 4-position spotlight , but always identify the menu id of the first position , for it to be related to mobile devices .
Each block spotlight with 4 positions you use , you add the link in the menu only the id of the first block position .
On the main (home) page, you can create a menu with featured articles and the link types / css style home you put options.
You have her ready onepage without creating specific blocks and taking advantage of every block and all available positions on the issue.
Make css the way you need.
Bang, Take a test and be happy.
Was working on t3-blank-BS3 model, and unfortunately it was not possible to develop this work further in the model. Navigation button overlapping content and off-canvas not specified response menus. If you have someone who has achieved a solution to t3-blank-BS3 share with the community.
Do not forget to give new names for their custom blocks to protect during update